Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Video: You?re hired? Gingrich visits Trump

>>> now to presidential politics . newt gingrich is launching his first ads in iowa after his face-to-face meeting with donald trump right here in new york. in a moment we'll talk about the state of the race with former utah governor jon huntsman . first nbc's political director and chief white house correspondent chuck todd has the latest. chuck, good morning.

>> reporter: good morning, matt. call it newtmentum. another poll confirming newt gingrich 's front runner status. not only is he surging in iowa , closing the gap in new hampshire but he's got a commanding lead in the state that has determined every republican nominee since 1980 , south carolina . the new republican front runner, newt gingrich , campaigned in new york city on monday, saying he can put reliably blue states like new york in play next november.

>> if i do become the nominee, we're going to compete in all 50 states . i don't believe in a red versus blue model.

>> reporter: gingrich paid a visit to businessman donald trump , who has become an unusual power broker of sorts in this year's race.

>> donald trump is a great showman. he's also a great businessman. if we are trying to figure out how to create jobs, i think one of the differences between my party and the other party is we actually go to people who know how to create jobs.

>> reporter: trump is said to moderate a republican debate.

>> what the heck are the rip candidates doing showing up at a debate with a guy who says i may run for president next year as an independent? i think the republican national chairman ought to step in and say we strongly discourage every candidate from appearing at a debate moderated by someone who's going to run for president.

>> reporter: that got a rise out of trump.

>> karl rove gave us george bush and george bush crashed and burned and because of that we have obama.

>> reporter: rick santorum , michele bachmann and newt gingrich of committed to the debate. ron paul and jon huntsman turned him down.

>> ron paul has zero chance of getting the nomination. mr. paul called my office and then he went on the debate and said i didn't meet with mr. trump like everybody else in the room. i'm sure he'll tell the truth because he's a mormon.

>> reporter: mitt romney will be endorsed pie dan quayle today in arizona. as gingrich surges in the polls he is struggling to gain his infrastructure. his ad is set to start airing in iowa today.

>> some people say the america we know and love is a thing of the past. i don't believe that. because working together, i know we can rebuild america.

>> reporter: you know, the obama re- election campaign and the dnc have focused all their fire on mitt romney . that is up until yesterday. for the first time we heard from david axelrod and what he thinks about gingrich and he says this. you talk about the godfather of gridlock here, the guy who two decades ago invented the tactics that have become common place in washington. so, matt, maybe the obama campaign will start focusing fire on newt.


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