Saturday, March 10, 2012

10 Dirty Negotiation Tactics and How to Beat Them - OPEN Forum ...

10 Dirty Negotiation Tactics and How to Beat Them From Barry Moltz: Every business owner needs to learn how to negotiate. It's important to recognize when tactics are being used in an attempt to best you in a negotiation. Here's how to spot 10 tactics that many negotiators use. These have nothing to do with the win-win successful agreements of a good negotiation. Learn what to do when somebody pulls these tricks. Awareness of these tactics can strengthen your own?negotiation skills. Left at the altar?- The other party feigns backing out of a deal just before you are ready to complete the agreement. Hoping the tactic brings the other party closer to their position, the tactic often yields 11th-hour concessions. Your countermeasure:?Don't fall for the bait. Let the deal ... (Read?Full?Article)


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