Thursday, November 22, 2012

Create a Summary of Purpose For School | Online Learning Tips

Lately we?ve been incorporating business and project management into the mix with education. For those not studying these fields, it?s good to know some basic principles and strategic leadership techniques. One way to have success with your online education is to be a good project manager. Your academic plan is a good outline for where you?re headed, but you need to include the peripheral as well.

A summary of purpose will include a purpose, findings, best practices, barriers and issues, barriers overcome, and future needs. The academic plan can fulfill best practices, future needs, and some barriers. You need to come up with your purpose. Typically in an online class the first week discussion post is introductory, and you share your reason for taking the class and entering that degree or certificate program. Make sure you revisit your purpose throughout the program, you?ll find it changing throughout the process. As for findings, here?s where internships, career potential, and topical information should fall. This area could be the basis for a portfolio. The issues will be your own, and that can be anything from work-life balance to passing a required class. You need to identify what you?re struggling with, and then find resources to alleviate the strain.

[see also: How to Maximize Your Online Education Experience]

Use this document when you?re meeting with your student advisor. The frame of reference will give them a better idea of where you stand, and they can possibly correct any barriers that may be set in your way; like an old syllabus, or a class that doesn?t add to your academic plan.

View this summary as an executive decision on behalf of your education. Having a plan can be useful if you have a busy life and family that are competing for space. The strong purpose can also serve as your motivator when the assignments start getting tough. This summary should be the light at the end of your higher education tunnel, keep trucking and you?ll make it to the finish line soon enough!

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

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