Thursday, January 31, 2013

Carney Refuses To Answer If Obama Will Take Up GOP Congresswoman?s Offer To Skeet Shooting Match?

But Obama loves skeet shooting, I don?t get it.

Via The Hill:

White House press secretary Jay Carney did not appear impressed by Rep. Marsha Blackburn?s (R-Tenn.) offer of a skeet shooting challenge to President Obama.

Carney was asked during Wednesday?s press briefing if he had any response to the Tennessee lawmaker, who questioned Obama?s claim in an interview over the weekend that he regularly practiced at Camp David?s shooting range.

?I have none,? Carney said dryly, before quickly moving to a different question.

Obama said in an interview with the New Republic that at Camp David, ?we do skeet shooting all the time.? It was an attempt by Obama to explain that he sympathized with sportsmen during the debate over new gun control laws.


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