Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'm Chris Kimball, Founder of America's Test Kitchen, and This Is How I Work

I'm Chris Kimball, Founder of America's Test Kitchen, and This Is How I WorkAmerica's Test Kitchen has been giving viewers recipes, science lessons, and gadget how-tos for more than a decade now. Its founder and host Chris Kimball is known for taking less-than-great dishes and recreating them to perfection, often explaining the science and tech behind his fixes (and always while wearing a bow tie). Beyond the stove, Chris stays busy as a magazine editor, author, and radio host. We caught up with the dapper Mr. Kimball to chat about to-do lists, audiobooks, fluffy pancakes, and more.

(Check out our favorite Test Kitchen hacks here.)

Name: Chris Kimball
Occupation: Founder, America's Test Kitchen
Current mobile device: iPhone 4
Current computer: 11" MacBook Air
I work: Fitfully

What's apps/software/tools can't you live without?

Evernote is my all-time favorite app?I use it for everything. Best travel app is GPS Drive. I still love Hipstamatic and 8mm. HulloMail is brilliant?it transcribes my voicemail and then emails it to me with the recording embedded. Brilliant.

What's your workspace like?

A 3,000 square foot test kitchen.

I'm Chris Kimball, Founder of America's Test Kitchen, and This Is How I Work

Pictured above: Chefs at work in the Test Kitchen. Photo by Steve Klise.

What do you listen to while you work?

Silence when I work. Grateful Dead for everything else, except for Italian opera. Best audiobooks [are] Simon Vance reading James Bond, BBC radio plays of John Le Carre books, and the best audiobook ever made: Tropic of Cancer read by Martin Balsam (but impossible to find).

What's your best time-saving trick?

Have over 4,000 unopened emails. Ignoring email saves a lot of time.

What's your favorite to-do list manager?

Livescribe. Rechargeable pen records my to-do notes and wifis them to Evernote. It also records audio.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without?

Nikon D800. Impossible to take a bad photo.

Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?

Complete introvert most of the time?I prefer rabbit hunting to cocktail parties. Extrovert on camera, especially when wearing a pork chop costume (one of my faves).

I'm Chris Kimball, Founder of America's Test Kitchen, and This Is How I Work

Pictured above: The Test Kitchen library. Photo by Steve Klise.

What's your sleep routine like?

Early to bed (9:30 PM), early to rise (5:30 AM), iPhone for alarm. I use a power stand at the bedside.

What's everyday thing are you better at than anyone else?

Making fluffy pancakes. They are REALLY good. (Chris's recipe below.)

I'm Chris Kimball, Founder of America's Test Kitchen, and This Is How I Work

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Calvin Coolidge: "Ninety percent of the troubles coming at you down the road will end up in the ditch before they reach you."

Is there anything else you'd like to add for readers/fans?

Yes. The most important part of any new venture is the first five minutes. Oh, and eat more pancakes.

Follow Chris on Twitter @cpkimball and keep up with the Test Kitchen @TestKitchen.

The How I Work series asks heroes, experts, brilliant, and flat-out productive people to share their shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. Every Wednesday we'll feature a new guest and the gadgets, apps, tips, and tricks that keep them going. Have someone you'd kill to see featured, or questions you think we should ask? Email Tessa.


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