Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Using Video Content to Increase Brand Awareness | Social Media ...

If you are a business owner, you have undoubtedly found great marketing power on the Internet. It is no secret that some of the easiest, most effective ways to get a strong customer base is by marketing online. It can, and does, reach millions of people in an instant and is always available. The Internet is also fantastic, as it is inexpensive (and often completely free) to do so. With so many benefits to online marketing, most business owners are ?jumping on board? and experiencing greater success. A lot of business owners opt for creating a blog and utilizing social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But what about YouTube? It is a site that is probably a little less used than the other sites for these purposes, but it has just as much power to promote your company brand as any of the other sites, if not more.

Creativity is a Must

The most important thing with all of these types of videos is to get your brand well known. For that reason, another great thing to do on YouTube is to view other videos that are similar to yours or are in the same line of business as your company. Post a nice, supportive comment and then post your own video as a response. Doing this helps increase the number of viewers who will see your video, as you are now tapping into that video?s viewer base as well. One good thing about producing your own video, is that you can do anything you want to. You have no boundries or limitations. This leaves it open for you to get creative and specifically target your audience.

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How do You Utilize YouTube?

So what kind of videos can you post to increase brand awareness for your company? Obviously, the most basic and straight-forward video is a ?how-to? tutorial clip, where you instruct customers on how to use your product and why it is such a great product to own. Smart YouTube users know that the video probably shouldn?t be longer than two minutes or so. As with any type of advertising, getting straight to the point is the best way to keep interest and be effective. Remember that you are competing for viewing time.

How about creating a video where you show creative ways to use your product? Other successful businesses have created humorous marketing campaigns through company YouTube channels that have drawn thousands of viewers and created a cult following. The key is to make your video memorable, and simple, (unless you have experience and the resources to make a more professional production). If you?re looking for a way to validate your brand, have an expert (or even celebrity, which works surprisingly well) discuss the benefits of your company and its brand. Support from these individuals goes a long way with the public. Another type of testimonial you can record is from loyal customers who have used your product and love it. Have you ever noticed that the best sales people are the ones who truly love the product they sell or are truly committed to the cause they advocate? Finding loyal customers can have the same ?sell power? in a well-put-together YouTube clip. Give it a try and see how it works for your company?s brand awareness and company success.

And of course, you can do a video that is simply for entertainment value. It?s probably not much of a surprise to you that entertainment, especially comedic entertainment, can go a long way when it comes to customer approval. People love to be entertained, and with a clever ?advertisement? through a YouTube video, your company?s ?fame? can become widespread. This can do great things for your business.

So while you are doing your online marketing through blogs and other social media sites, be sure to get some good videos up on YouTube as well. You will most likely be surprised at how much success you experience as a result.

Written By Rick Delgado

Rick Delgado is a freelance writer who specializes in current technology and social trends, more specifically the use of social media and it's effect in the business world. Presently, Rick is used as a social media consultant for home security companies like Vivint. You can follow their Twitter feed here.

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Source: http://www.techwyse.com/blog/social-media-marketing/using-video-content-to-increase-brand-awareness/

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